Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Doctor-Assisted Suicide Essay - 928 Words

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you became diagnosed with a terminal illness that changed your life completely? There are many choices in the world that one could make, such as seeking physician-assisted suicide or deciding to live with a terminal illness. It is not everyday a person sits around and think about what they would do if an illness became unbearable to them. One could agree with Diane Coleman’s article â€Å"Doctor-Assisted Suicide Should Not Be an Option† or one could agree with Kathryn Tucker’s article â€Å"People Should Be Allowed To Choose Doctor-Assisted Suicide.† To better understand the authors’ opposing positions concerning physician-assisted suicide, one must examine their differing views on the reasons for†¦show more content†¦Understanding the different motives of why people choose to hasten their death may help you decide if you are ever in this predicament. The possibility of doctor abuse or coerci on is discussed in both articles. Coleman informs the readers of her article that doctors have a financial interest in aiding with suicides. These physicians, according to Coleman, are allowed to come to the conclusion of which patients is in need of their assistance and decides what information to discuss concerning treatment for their illness. Coleman says, â€Å"Oregon Law gives physician too much power† (Coleman). It allows the physician to say who is coherent enough to make the decision and if this is a good choice for that individual. Although, Coleman believes that physician is coercing patients, Tucker implies that doctors do not encourage patients to hasten death. In Tucker’s article Arthur Caplan states, â€Å"I was worried about people being pressured to do this. But this data confirms, for the seventh year, that the policy in Oregon is working. There is no evidence of abuse or coercion or misuse of the policy† (Tucker). Tucker furthermore discuss th at researchers have establish that Oregon does not have any apprehension of physicians-assistance because they do not discriminate against patients. The authors have different points of view when discussing doctor-assisted suicide effects to society. Coleman believes that people with disabilitiesShow MoreRelatedDoctor Assisted Suicide And Suicide1585 Words   |  7 PagesDoctor assisted suicide is a topic that has recently become a much larger debated issue than before. A timeline put together by Michael Manning and Ian Dowbigging shows that prior to Christianity, doctor assisted suicide was something that was tolerated, and was not heavily questioned (2). Yet, in the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas had made a statement about suicide as well as doctor assisted suicide, and his words shaped the Catholic teaching on suicide into what they teach today. 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